Thursday, December 16, 2010

Massage effectively combats the negative effects of stress

I hope the article "Is stress making you sick" helped you understand how much stress can affect your health. Now it's time to look at how important massage is to help you stay healthy and combat the negative effects of stress.

Stress can be painful; it can cause fatigue, headaches, tense, sore muscles and leave you with little energy to enjoy life the way you want to. This is where massage is oh so much more than a luxury and becomes your #1 tool in fighting the negative effects of stress.

Getting a massage releases those feel good hormones called endorphins. These are the same hormones that are released when you work out; sometimes referred to as a runner's high. Imagine that, the feel good benefits of a work out with no effort, I'll take it!! (Note: massage should not and can not replace proper exercise!)

When these neurotransmitters are released into the blood stream, they help to reduce pain and create a euphoric feeling. Endorphins are the body's natural stress reliever. The more regularly you receive massage, the better your body will be at releasing these hormones on its own.

Massage also helps to increase circulation. Increased circulation helps to flush out metabolic waste in the muscle tissue. When you are stressed and your muscles are tense for a period of time, even as little at 15 minutes, there is a build up of metabolic waste in the tissue.

Why is it important to flush out metabolic waste? Just like your car, a business or a factory the more the muscle has to work, the more waste it produces. If the factory is working over time and there aren't enough janitors to remove the excess waste, the trash starts piling up and slowing the factory down.

It is the same scenario with your muscles. If your muscles are tense for a period of time (the factory working overtime) they produce large amounts of lactic acid and other types of metabolic waste. This build up of waste is what is causing your muscles to be tight and sore. This tension also slows down circulation to the muscle tissue (the janitor) Now you have excess waste, causing excess pain, and no way to remedy it on your own.

Massage helps to strategically work with the circulatory system to increase blood flow to the muscle tissue, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients as well as removing the excess waste from the area leaving your muscles relaxed and pain free. Just like with endorphins, the more regularly you receive massage, the more capable your body is to maintain balance between circulation and metabolic waste.

If that wasn't enough, increased circulation also helps your cells communicate more efficiently. This improved communication between cells can help to improve memory, increase insulin sensitivity helping with Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes and can help eliminate toxins from the body more efficiently.

We also said that poor posture can also be a source of stress. Massage can eliminate pain patterns within the body that develop as a result of poor posture. A common pattern often seen is tight hamstrings creating tension in the glutes and pulling the pelvis into a posterior rotation causing low back pain. You feel the low back pain, but the dysfunction is actually in your legs. Another common pattern massage therapists often see is tension in the bottom of the feet causing chronic headaches. Your massage therapist will be able to look at your posture, help you see the pain patterns that are specific to you and your body and determine where the problem is in order to resolve your pain and your stress!

Massage is also a great time to just be still. Your therapist requires nothing from you except that you stay in communication with them; letting them know if the pressure they are applying is
too much or not enough. It is your time to rest and relax with no interruptions, no demands and no expectations.

Massage is NOT just about someone putting lotion on you for an hour. It is, or should be an integral part of your preventative and long term health plan. Remember almost all of the leading causes of death are caused by stress. Knowing what you now know, shouldn't stress relief be a priority?

Look for the last article in this series where we'll look at things you can do on your own to relieve stress and improve your overall health.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Is Stress making you sick?

We all know that it feels good to get a massage. You, hopefully, feel more relaxed after a massage. Did you know that there are scientific benefits to how massage can help reduce stress? Let's first take a look to see what stress actually does to the body and then discover how massage can counter the negative effects of stress.

Endocrinologist, Dr. Hans Seyle coined the term stress. Can you imagine life before the word stress??? He separated stress into two main categories; eustress and distress. Eustress or good stress is the type of stress we feel when we exercise, purchase a new car or go on a first date. We're not worried about this type of stress. In fact, I might even go as far as to say we all need a bit more of this stress in our lives! Distress is the negative kind of stress that most of used to experiencing. Frustration at work, fighting with a loved one, parenting stress, or running late are all types of distress.

Let's expand on distress for a minute, since that is the type of stress that we are going to focus on. Distress is not just emotional stress such as divorce, loss of a job or breaking up with a significant other. Although these are some of the worst kinds of stress that anyone can experience. Distress can also be caused, on a more subtle level, from poor food choices, food allergies, lack of sleep, poor posture, exposure to chemicals such as household cleaners or make-up. Illness, surgery or hospitalization also causes stress. Stress is more than the emotions we feel, sometimes our body is stressed and we don't even know it!

Now that we have a better understanding of stress, let's look at what it does to the body. When the body experiences stress the adrenal glands, specifically the adrenal cortex, releases cortisol into the blood stream. Cortisol has influence over many activities in the body. Chronic stress can result in elevated cortisol levels and can:

  • Increase blood sugar levels, therefore increasing chances of Metabolic Syndrome or Diabetes
  • Slow blood flow to the digestive tract, slowing digestion, interfering with nutrition absorption and increasing weight gain
  • Weaken the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to infection and illness
  • Decreases bone formation, possibly resulting in osteoporosis or osteopenia
  • Shut down the reproductive system, increasing chance of miscarriage or infertility
  • Slows thyroid function, decreasing energy and slowing metabolism

Did you realize that stress can be so detrimental to your health? Almost all the leading causes of death are caused by stress!

Okay....take a deep breath and relax. There is so much that you can do to alleviate stress and prevent or reverse many of these symptoms. Look for our next article where we'll discover what massage can to do to counter the negative effects of stress and then look at things you can do on your own to further eliminate stress from your life!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Flu season is here....5 ways to stay healthy this year

Flu season should almost have a date on the calendar. Every year, like clockwork, it's there. There is a lot you can do right now to avoid the flu.

1.) Drink plenty of water

Nothing hydrates the body like water. Ice tea doesn't count, juice doesn't count, herbal teas don't count and coffee or other caffeinated beverages definitely don't count. Just water. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body.

When we are overloaded with toxins from our day to day life (makeup, household cleaners, car exhaust, etc.) our immune system is compromised. When we are toxic we don't have the strength in our immune system to fight infection. When infection is present in our body, water can also help to flush it out and keep us hydrated as we tend to need more water to stay well hydrated while fighting illness.

You should be drinking about half of your body weight in ounces ever day or until your urine is clear. So someone that weighs 140 lbs. should be drinking about 70 oz. of water per day. That is without exercise; if you are active drinking about 3/4 of your weight in ounces can help keep you hydrated.

2.) Get a Massage

Researchers at Cedar - Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles found a significant increase in lymphocytes (white blood cells that fight infection) after just 45 minute of massage! See Dr. Weil's report here.

Not to mention that massage greatly reduces stress hormones. When stress hormones are high, as they usually are, we unable to fight infection. Regular massage can help you to fight infection, keep you health and productive this flu season!!

3.) Eat your veggies

Fruits and veggies contain phytonutrients. These nutrients that come from fresh, whole plant food are designed to help us fight illness and disease. These foods help to repair damaged cells and help killer cells and helper-T cells (more infection fighting cells) mobilize, keeping illness from settling in.

Another reason to eat well.....most of our immune system is created in the gut. Yes, that's right, most of your immune system is in your digestive tract. If you are eating poor foods, you're stressing out your immune system. If you are eating good whole foods, your immune system does not have to expend energy combating food and can go fight infection in other areas of the body.

4.) Stay away from hand sanitizers

I'm not saying don't wash your hands, please do wash. I'm talking about the jelly-like, wash and go hand sanitizers. These sanitizers are full of alcohol and often kill the good bacteria on our hands. This good bacteria can help fight off the bad bacteria. When alcohol kills of this good bacteria we are left more vulnerable to infection. A little soap and water is all you need to get the bad bacteria off and keep the good, helpful bacterial present.

5.) Keep moving

As the weather gets colder, it is harder and harder to stay motivated to exercise. Movement is so important during flu season. Exercise decreases stress, increases blood and lymphatic flow. Lymphatic flow is the fluid of our immune system. It is the lymph that collects, eliminates and fights infection. When it isn't moving properly (our movement creates movement in the lymphatic system) it can become stagnant and unable to fight infection properly.

If you do find yourself under the weather this season, remember to rest. Give yourself permission to read that book you've been wanting to read or watch another movie. Rest is the best medicine for the flu along with water and nutritiously dense food.

Another great remedy that we use a lot when we feel like we're coming down with something:

1/4 cup organic, raw apple cider vinegar
1 cup warm water
honey to taste

This makes a great tea to drink while feeling under the weather. The apple cider vinegar changes the Ph in the body, making it uninhabitable to bacteria and virus. Cheers!!

What do you do when you're feeling under the weather? Any remedies that work well for you? Share with us here!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Acorn Squash Hash Browns with sauteed Spinach

Acorn squash is a great replacement for your traditional hash browns. It is lower on the glycemic index, helping to keep blood sugar stable, lowering your risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Acorn squash is also high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Dietary Fiber, Calcium, and other essential minerals.

Potatoes are a member of the nightshade family. Along with tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, this family of foods contains solanine, a neurotoxin. For some, nightshades can cause systemic pain, nausea, headaches, abdominal pain and other digestive disorders. Lastly, potatoes tell the body to store fat and can create inflammation throughout the body. All great reasons to use acorn squash instead of potatoes!

Try this recipe next time you want hash browns:

1/2 yellow onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 acorn squash, uncooked, peeled and grated
1 bunch of spinach leaves

1.) Saute onion and garlic in olive oil for about 2 minutes on medium heat, or until onions become translucent.

2.) Add grated acorn squash and cook for another 2-3 minutes or until squash is soft and beginning to brown.

3.) Add spinach, cook until spinach is wilted. Salt and serve.

Great to serve on it's own or with eggs!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Massage: Luxury or Health Care?

You wouldn't think of the dentist, your doctor or any other health care specialist an optional luxury would you? What about working out, eating right, those aren't optional either, right? What about massage? Do you or your friends still think that massage is an optional luxury? Now I'm not talking about paying someone to put lotion on you for an hour, yes, that is a luxury. I'm talking about a real, pain-addressing, function-restoring, immune-boosting therapeutic massage. Necessity for health or waste of time and/or money?

Often, I have new clients come in, reluctant to believe that massage can help them. I love the look on their face when within a few sessions we've restored them to full function without pain.

I'm on a mission to share with you why massage should absolutely be a part of your regular health care and how over time, it can even be less expensive than traditional medical care. I will spend the next few blog posts covering a variety of common ailments and how massage can benefit.

Here's what I need from you: email me at and tell me what ails you. Could be chronic headaches, physical discomfort while at work, neck pain, back pain, not getting the results you want from your work out, general stiffness or aching in the morning, stress...anything that you are experiencing.

I will dedicate a whole article to whatever you are struggling with. I will share self care techniques as well as how massage can benefit. This is your chance to get information just for you. I won't mention your name or share any personal information. What you will get is a whole article tailored to your specific needs.

Articles will be posted on a first come first serve basis, if you want to see your customized article soon, be the first to write back here.

I look forward to hearing from you! Untill and happiness to you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Exercise is more than just calories in, calories out

Do you often feel that exercise is often a "have to" or a "should" not a "want to"? Most of us often feel like exercise has to be hours spent at the gym, sweating and short of breath. There is so much more to exercise than being forced into a gym to sweat and gasp for air for hours. With winter on it's way it can be even harder to motivate yourself to make time for exercise.

Let's first talk about what exercise can be and then we'll talk about the greater benefits of regular activity. Exercise, like meditation, has all of these preconceived notions about what it is and therefor what it isn't. I see many clients that think, "well if I can't get to the gym for an hour then it's just not worth it." I challenge you to change the word exercise to movement or activity. Saying "I need to move" or "I need to be active for a bit today" sounds a bit less overwhelming than "I have to exercise (or work out)."

Our bodies were designed to move. We are not designed to sit at a desk for long areas or stand in one place all day. Our body begins to deteriorate and age prematurely when we are not active. When we really pay attention, our body craves movement. There are SO many ways to move, it does not have to be running on a treadmill or lifting weights (although, if you enjoy these things, they are great ways to get the body moving).

Take a minute and just sit with your body, quietly breathing. Check in and see what areas of your body are tight, maybe feel sluggish? What areas are craving movement? If you sit or stand all day, you may feel it in your hips, your knees or your low back. Maybe in your shoulders from being at a computer all day; or in your neck holding your stress. What kind of movement could you do to honor these places that feel stuck? Walking? Swimming? Dancing? Yoga or gentle stretching? Choose a movement that you can get excited about, something that makes you feel good, inside and out. Don't worry so much about exercise, just get moving!

Now decide how often you can commit to this activity. Set yourself up for success, choose a time and frequency that you can stick to. Even if that is just two times a week to start. Exercise is just as important as eating, breathing and sleeping. Often we make more time to explore the internet, watch TV, or other things that don't improve our health. Taking time away from these useless activities can do so much to improve your life!! Let's look at some of those benefit.

The National Institute on Aging recently supported a study that concluded walking 6 - 9 miles a week may protect brain size in old age, preserving memory and showing potential for preventing Alzheimer's and dementia. Just 6 - 9 miles a week!! That's only two to three miles a day, just three days a week!! (Click Here for full report.)

Feeling too tired to exercise? That's even more reason to get moving!! Exercise will increase oxygen levels in the body. When our brain, organs and muscles have more oxygen they are able to function better giving you more energy throughout the day!

Exercise builds lean muscle; "magically" increasing your metabolism! Muscle burns more calories than fat, so building lean muscle mass increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight with less effort.

Weight bearing exercise such as yoga, dancing, light weight lifting or any other activity that allows your muscles to work against gravity can greatly improve bone health and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. As muscle contracts it puts a gentle strain on the bone where it attaches. This strain tells the bone to create more bone cells, making the bone stronger and healthier. Stronger bones not only means a lowered risk of osteoporosis but a lowered risk of fractures as well.

Increased cardiovascular exercise will improve the strength of the most important muscle in your body - your heart!! When are heart is strong we can decrease our chance of cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure, heart attack and heart palpations.

Finally, exercising regularly can keep you healthy and keep you OUT of the doctors office. Keeping medical bills and prescription charges lower, giving you more money to spend on things you love!

As you can see exercise and movement has many, many more benefits than just weight loss. We need to remain active in order to maintain mental clarity, reduce injury, increase energy and improve quality of life.

I would love to hear what you are going to commit to today! Share your commitment here, make a comment and tell us what you are going to do. Declaring your commitment is also a great way to stick to it.

Good Luck!! Happy Moving :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Just Sit and Breathe: The Basics of Meditation

Many people we talk to, friends, clients, co-workers, express that they can't meditate. We often hear "well, I tried, but my brain keeps going, I just can't do it." Others say "I meditate because it's supposed to relieve stress, help me sleep better, increase my energy, etc. and it doesn't do any of those things so I just stopped." If you have thought or spoken these words we encourage you to read on, sitting, as we like to refer to our meditation practice is not as hard as you think, and like anything it just takes some practice.

Here are 5 mistakes that beginners often make and some tips to make meditation a regular part of your day:

#1: Just Sit and Breathe
The first thing that we share with clients when talking about meditation is that we don't like to refer to it as meditation. It seems so overwhelming and it seems that there is so much to it that it would be easy to do wrong. Sitting, on the other hand, seems much more attainable, right? You can just sit. Meditation is simply just sitting and breathing. You don't have to Ohm, like a lot of clients ask us. No chanting, just sitting and breathing.

#2: No Expectations
It is important not to have expectations of your sitting practice. The only expectation that we set forth is that we will sit every day. Some days for 2 minutes, some days for 10 or 15 minutes. When we have expectations of our practice we often fail to experience what is going on. To sit without expectation of what you want to accomplish makes the whole experience much more enjoyable and you will find that you get much more out of it. Some days you will sit and find that you have more energy, some days you will sit and find that you have more mental clarity, if we have expectation as to what should or shouldn't happen, we fail to receive the gift of sitting that we were supposed to receive that day. Be open to whatever gift is being presented to you each day.

#3: Puppy Mind
This is a term that is often talked about in meditation; the puppy mind. This is the part of the brain that is making lists, thinking about your day, telling you that you should be doing something else, or any other chatter that may come up during your sit. The mind is like a puppy that wants to run and play and get into trouble whenever it can. It is up to us to train this puppy to sit and stay. There are many ways to train this puppy, these are just a few, play with these until you find one that works for you.
  • Counting your Breath: focusing only on your in and out breath. Counting in-2-3-4-5-6, out-2-3-4-5-6, in-2-3-3-4-5-6, out-2-3-4-5-6. Slow, deep inhalation and exhalation.
  • Mala Beads: this is just beads on a string, separated with a knot in between each bead. Traditional mala strands have 108 beads on them, but you can use anything with any number of beads. You can count the beads, count them with your breath or use them with a mantra. This is a great way to connect the external (mala beads) with the internal (your breath or mantra).
  • Mantra: a mantra is a simple affirmative statement that you can repeat with your breath. For example "I am strong, I am healthy, I am at peace" or "Everything I do, I do with joy and ease" Repeating this positive statements on each in and out breath.
  • External Focus: another useful tool is to focus on the flame of a candle or a picture that brings you great joy. This could be a diety or saint (Mother Theresa, Jesus, Buddha, etc.) or a picture of a peaceful scenery. Note: because your focus is now external (the breath, the mala beads and mantras are all internal) it may be easier for the mind to wander.
This is what is meant by focusing the mind. Giving your puppy mind enough to concentrate on so that it doesn't run away. If you find that your mind does stray, do not judge the thought or the action, simply come back to your technique and continue with your sit. Remember, it takes a while to train a puppy, the same is true for your brain and your sitting practice. Be patient.

#4: 2 minutes a day
Your sit does not have to be long to be effective. Just as you wouldn't expect to be able to train a puppy for hours on the first day, you should not expect the same of your brain. Begin with 2 minutes a day for a week, and then go to 3 minutes the following week. Each week adding a minute to your practice. Some days will be easier than others, know that some time is better than no time. Sit when it is best for you, there are no rules that you should sit in the morning or in the evening. Sit when it fits into your schedule best. Again, don't judge the amount of time that you are able to sit. Just sit. That's all you have to do.

#5: Practice
And finally....practice. Sitting daily for 2 minutes is more beneficial than sitting once a week for 15. Not to mention easier as well!!! Commit to a daily sitting practice for 30 days. The length of time is not as important as the regularity of your practice. Sit daily for 30 days and you will notice a profound change in your life.

The benefits of meditation are endless. With regular meditation you can:
  • Have more restful sleep
  • Lower your Blood Pressure
  • Improve long term and short term memory
  • Have better focus and clarity
  • Improve your productivity
  • Enjoy life more
  • Improve your overall mood
  • Feel more connected to yourself and the world around you

We hope that this short introduction to meditation has inspired you to sit for any length of time. Remember, there is nothing to accomplish, you don't have to do anything but sit and breathe. No judgement of yourself, your thoughts or your perceived success. If you sit, you are already successful.

One more tip is to create a space to sit, somewhere inviting with pillows, cushions, maybe a candle. There are great gifts waiting for you if you take the time to sit and receive them.

As always feel free to post a comment here or email us at with any questions about anything that you read on our blog posts.

Light and Love,

Sarah and Eli

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Favorite Doctor Ever!

Yup...I said it. For those of you that know me, you know I'm not a big fan of doctors. Well, not those in the medical field anyways. Give me a Chiropractor or a Dr. of Physical Therapy and we'll be great friends; a medical doctor and, well, let's just say we have different opinions on what health should be.

To clarify: I know there are some good docs out there, and I believe the medical field is making HUGE strides in how they approach health. I don't dislike all of them, just a generalization of my personal experience with the medical field. Okay, I hope I didn't offend anyone too much!

That said, this guy may make me eat my words (no pun intended!). Check out Doctor's Orders - Eat Well to Be Well and look at what this doctor has to say about food.

Happy Friday! Have a great, healthy joy-filled weekend!

Monday, September 20, 2010

ADD "moments" and how to remedy them

Happy Tuesday! Just checking in...have you had your ADD moment yet today??? I know before changing my diet I used to get them a lot. Walking into a room and forgetting what I went in there for. Forgetting what I was saying mid-sentence. It was pretty bad. As adults it a bit easier for us to laugh off, but for kiddos ADD can be not only be frustrating and isolating but it can cause tension at home, poor school performance and poor social skills. Good news is that as an adult or as a child, there are many natural ways to remedy ADD and its symptoms.

According to Sanford Newmark, MD, author of ADHD Without Drugs: A guide to Natural Care of children with ADHD, there are 5 main areas to consider and treat first before resorting to drugs. Currently, there are 2.5 million children on Ritalin, yes 2.5 million. Are our kids Ritalin deficient? No, often they are nutritionally deficient and on stimulation overhaul.

ADD is very often misdiagnosed. Kids who are not being challenged enough in school or who may not have a good personality fit with their teacher often act out because they lack the ability to communicate their frustration. Sometimes children (and adults) are misdiagnosed with ADD, while other, more serious issues such as depression, anxiety, or learning disorders are overlooked.

Here are a few suggestions from Dr. Newmark to help reduce and sometimes eliminate the symptoms of ADD. No matter what age you are these changes can help heal a broken brain, eliminate brain fog, increase energy and productivity during your busy day.

#1: Nutrition
Food is the most powerful drug we put in our body, it has the ability to create heart disease, diabetes, cancer and ADD/ADHD. The good news is that food has the same power to create tremendous health. Often we start our day, or our kids day, packed with sugar: pop tarts, breakfast cereal (even the "healthy" ones are packed with sugar and artificial ingredients), toast, pancakes, the list goes on and on. We start our day on a sugar high and then have high expectations of how well we perform for the rest of our day. How much sense does that make? None at all. Starting your day off with a nutritious breakfast, and continuing throughout the day, can make a world of difference in the rest of your day.

#2: Allergies and Food Sensitivities
Did you know that the dyes found in food often cause ADD/ADHD symptoms in kids? Take away the artificial food dye and wa-la, ADD/ADHD symptoms disappear like magic. This is not the only food allergy or sensitivity, there are a lot out there, but this is one that is often overlooked. Gatorade, Vitamin Water, drinks that we think are "good" for us and our children are packed with artificial coloring that really hinders brain function.

#3: Omega 3's
These all too important fatty acids are key for optimal brain and body function. Omega 3's reduce inflammation in the body (some research says that ADD/ADHD is a result of microscopic inflammation of the brain), improve cellular health, improve circulation, reduce blood pressure and reduce triglyceride levels.

#4: Mineral Deficiency
Basic mineral deficiency can lead to ADD/ADHD symptoms. For example zinc, magnesium and iron deficiencies have been shown to produce ADD/ADHD like symptoms. To find out if you are depleted in these minerals have your doctor do a simple blood test to find out what your levels are.

#5: TV and Video Games
New research is showing a direct relationship to the amount of TV or video games a child watches or plays and their chance of being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Both very overstimulating can hinder a child's ability to focus or concentrate for a period of time.

For you or your kiddos these are some basic things that you can integrate into your life to increase productivity (at school or at work), decrease fatigue and stress, improve overall mood and quality of life. I hope that you can make some changes and see how easy it can be to get rid of those ADD "moments" in your life.

Know that you are not alone in this journey. We have many resources to help you on your path to optimum health and wellness. Feel free to post questions here or email Have a happy, healthy, ADD-free, week!

Information from this article was taken from The Huffington Post. Click Here to see the full article.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Some Friday reading for you.....

I am so excited to offer this to you. It is the latest copy of Body Sense Magazine. An exclusive magazine with TONS of great information about how you can integrate massage and bodywork into a healthy lifestyle. In this issue you'll find:

  • Conversation with Dr. Andrew Weil: Massage and your health

  • Tips for massaging your kiddos

  • Your Wellness Strategy: Massage Therapy

  • Hydrotherapy at home

It's easy, click here to get your latest edition, right here on your computer.

Enjoy this weekend reading and, as always, feel free to email with any questions (or post them here and I'll answer them for you!)

I hope that all of you have a wonderful, relaxing, joy-filled weekend.

In health.....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Could Sleep make you skinny?

Well it may not make you skinny, but skimping out on sleep is definitely NOT helping you lose weight, feel robust or have vitality in your life. There is so much in the news lately about sleep and obesity. It is affecting children and adults at staggering rates. Being healthy isn't just about the food that you eat or don't eat. Being healthy is about taking care of yourself and giving your body what it needs.
A study done by scientist at the University of Chicago in 1999, discovered that inadequate sleep (4 hours a night) produced changes in glucose levels and endocrine function in less than a week! Yes, that is correct, LESS THAN A WEEK of insufficient sleep accelerated disease and the aging process! Some of the studies participants even showed signs of diabetes at the end of the sleep study. The director of the study, Dr. Eve Van Cauter, suspects that "chronic sleep loss may not only hasten the onset but could also increase the severity of age-related aliments such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and memory loss."
Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight in many ways. When you are tired, you are wired to make poor food choices. Your brain will actually choose bad food over good food! What do you eat when you are tired? Coffee? Sugar? Fast food? Your brain is wired to choose bad foods when you haven't had enough rest making weight loss and health an even bigger struggle.
Inadequate sleep also increases cortisol into your system. This hormone is designed to help you cope with stress. When you have too much cortisol in your blood stream, from stress or lack of sleep, it slows digestion, interferes with thyroid function (an organ in charge of metabolism and energy), increases blood sugar, and suppresses the immune system. Not a good recipe for health at all!
Sleep is also where your body heals and regenerates. If you are already struggling with diabetes, digestive disorders, depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, or any other ailment or disease, you need sleep to heal. Pain and disease are ways for your body to tell you that something is wrong, when you listen and respond, you increase your ability to heal dramatically.
We live in a go, go, go society. I challenge you to slow down and put sleep at the top of this list along with diet and nutrition. What is more important? An extra hour of TV or internet at night or getting enough sleep to help you lose weight, feel robust, full of life, slow aging and disease? I think the answer is pretty obvious. Unfortunately, napping doesn't change the outcome much. The body needs uninterrupted sleep to get the full benefits of health. So my health tip of the week is get in bed and know that you are doing your body and your mind a favor!!
Sweet Dreams :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

"We make our food very similar to cocaine now" Dr. from the Department of Energy confirms that food is made to be addictive!!!

Can you believe it?!?!? New research is out that is saying that high-fat, high-calorie (a.k.a. "fake food" or "food-like substances") create a chemical response in the brain that looks very much like a drug addiction.

Now they are not talking about your "good fats", the kind you get from real food, but overprocessed food-like substance fat. Funny, we often refer to that bag of chips "like crack"....little did we know it was true.

Click Here to read the whole article from CNN.

Wondering how to stop your "crack" addiction? We make it easy, fun and attainable. Where ever you are on your journey, we'll take you to the next level of health and wellness. Click here to sign up for your FREE Wellness Assessment today. We can help you:
  • Identify what foods are curently harming your health goals (they may not be the foods that you think they are!!)
  • Eliminate the obstacles that are preventing you from living the life that you want
  • Integrate fat buring, metabolism increasing, weight loss inducing foods in a way that is fun and easy!
  • Teach you how to cook, manage your time and create balance in your life to create true, lasting change!!

The Wellness Assessment is FREE. You have nothing to lose. We offer all of our coaching sessions over the phone, wherever you are at, we are here to help you every step of the way!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to School: Giving you kids the tools they need (5 items you won't find on the supply list...)

For some, back to school is a great time of year. Kids are excited to see friends they haven't seen all summer, excited about a new teacher and learning new things. Parents are happy to have kids back in school again and everyone gains a bit more structure in their lives. For others, parents and kids alike, back to school is difficult to say the least. For kids that have trouble focusing in class, struggle with homework and testing, experience difficulty in social situations or feel tired and fatigued all day; going back to school isn't the exciting experience it could be.

Some kids may find it difficult to start the day, and others may get to the end of the day and crash. There could be a variety of reasons for this. Maybe sleep the night before was an issue and breakfast wasn't as wholesome as it could have been or skipped all together. Your child might be so excited about lunch recess that they don't eat as much lunch as they should so they can play more. By the end of the day there isn't anything left in the tank to keep them going. As you may have guessed, what I'm trying to get at is that food is fuel for you children. And there are some do's and don'ts when it comes to setting your little ones, or teenager up for success throughout their day.

1.) Sleep is essential. Going from summer schedule to school schedule can be challenging. On average we get 2 hours less sleep than we did 20 years ago. In this case less is not more. We can't expect our kids to perform better on less sleep. When we get enough sleep we are happier, have better concentration and have better memory.

2.) Breakfast is the foundation for your entire day. It has been shown that what we eat in the morning we often crave for the rest of the day. Start your day with sugary breakfast cereals and you will crave sugar all day.

3.) Have a snack. Learning burns calories, food is fuel. Fruit works great! An after school snack can help avoid that evening crash, making homework much easier to complete!

4.) Avoid Sugar. Sugar is not fuel, it has been shown to decrease the ability to focus, concentrate and reason.

5.) Our brain needs fat to function. Yes, that's right I said fat. I'm not talking about doughnuts or chips, I'm talking about good, nutritious fat. Get a little bit in at each meal and you'll see the difference.

These are just a few things you can do to make the transition back into school and throughout the year enjoyable and easy. Remember food is fuel, what you put in you get out in attitude and performance.

If you or your kiddo struggles with work or school call 970.581.2298 for your FREE Health and Wellness Assessment. We specialize in helping families create easy, healthy, and fun lifestyles and diets to inspire peace within the household and school. Real Food, Real Answers, Real Results, for Real!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Link to Newsletter

We've been working hard to make it easy for you to get information on massage, diet, nutrition and cooking all in one place. We've now linked our newsletter to our blog so that you can go back and read articles and recipies on the blog long after the newsletter has been sent.

That said, it's still important for you to sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive discounts and specials that only come with the newsletter. If you haven't signed up for our newsletter Click Here to sign up for our FREE report packed with exclusive health information. Registering for the FREE report will also add you to our exclusive members only mailing list.

Keep an eye out for instructional videos, teleclasses, and for those that live in the Fort Collins area, some holiday cooking classes!!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Hi there!! Welcome to our first blog.....I'm really excited about this. Look here for exciting news on health and wellness including health tips, weight loss ideas and support, news about local and sustainable food as well as new recipies, Eli and I are always coming up with new ones that we want to be able to share with you right away!

Stay tuned, I can't wait to see where this goes!!!

Health and Happiness always,
Sarah Ferree, Optimal Wellness Coach and Certified Massage Therapist
ph. 970-581-2298

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